Mom spent the snow day cleaning out a few more boxes. Some stuff she's looking to sell on Ebay, but she'll have to write more about that in the comments, other stuff we're getting rid of and some stuff tossing as trash. It's strange when going through boxes like this, some things you don't want, but don't want to give to Goodwill either... then what do you do with it?
Example: I have a unicorn jewelry box, I don't want it, but I don't want to just... get rid of it. I like it, it's part of my child hood and has a meaning to me. Should I keep it? Box it up for if I have a little girl? I dunno... Some things I'm giving to various family member, but a few things I don't want to do that with...
Then there was some stuff from highschool which honestly, I don't need at ALL and yet I feel guilty for getting rid of it... silly.
I had a dream I was vacationing in another country with R and we were wandering through a downtown fair of some kind. There was a clothing shop that had beautiful hand dyed fabrics and clothing. I tried on a dress, but said to R that I couldn't purchase it due to my goal of not purchasing any new clothing for the year. I did, however, end up buying a shirt. In the dream it was a baby doll, black t-shirt (which is what I wore to bed last night), so I can't imagine why I would purchase that, when I could have purchased a beautiful hand dyed dress... I told R, when she raised an eyebrow at the purchase (She knew I wasn't supposed to buy anything), that it didn't count because I was on vacation.
I woke up feeling incredibly guilty. Does this count? Did I fail my mission? Curse you subconscious!
I think you are fine, dreaming about buying clothes is ok.